Hi, I’m Christine.

I am a late-discovered and neuro-affirming Autistic Psychotherapist and Coach. I am passionate about supporting individuals and families to learn more about what it is to be Autistic, and with this support, empower them and those around them to live a more comfortable and fulfilling life.

Contact me today if:

  • you think you might be Autistic and you are looking for support on your self-identification journey
  • you have received a diagnosis and are looking for support in processing your emotions around this discovery
  • you are a family member wishing to support an Autistic loved one in a neuro-affirming way
  • your family member is Autistic and you would benefit from some 1:1 support for yourself, as you support them.

I am also a Wellbeing Life Coach and my ‘My Kind of Life’ programme is designed for those who want more time, renewed energy, better relationships, and a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Do I want Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy helps clients to relieve emotional distress, seek solutions to problems in their lives, and to unpack cognitive distortions and unhelpful behaviours that are preventing them from finding contentment, working productively, and enjoying personal relationships.

I help clients with feelings of anxiety, loneliness, depression, anger, trauma, and stress. I also help clients who are navigating life changes, and relationship problems or who are working to overcome past issues that are blocking present joy.


Or is it Wellbeing Life Coaching I am looking for? 

Wellbeing Life Coaching supports clients to not only set goals but to also find the motivation and tools to get to their physical and emotional health objectives in a positive, forward-focused, fun, and supportive environment.

I can help you build a life more aligned with your core values and beliefs, highlighting your strengths and uniqueness to create a life that is full of joy, purposeful, forward-focused, and, most importantly, yours.

My work is focused on guiding you as you return to who you truly are. 


What my clients Say

Don't just take my word for it! Here is what some of my previous clients have to say about their work with me:

Enrolling in Christine’s My Kind of Life programme was honestly the best thing I have ever done for my mental health – my head is the clearest it has been in years. I had tried talk therapy before and while I found it good, I was fed up of talking and felt like I wanted […]

- Georgina

My experience working with Christine has been extremely positive. I first came to Christine with a lack of purpose in my life. I felt stuck where I was and I knew that I wasn’t living the life that I wanted to. Christine provided great support while I was making changes to my mindset and was always […]

- Anna

I booked an appointment with Christine on the advice of my doctor. I wanted a stronger antidepressant but got a talking to from my doctor about taking the time to go to a new therapist. I had been to therapy before but it was like putting a plaster on a wound that needed stitches. I still […]

- Client Nov 2022

Thank you for the time we spent working together and how much it has helped me. It is something I will always be grateful for. The tools you gave me and the things you taught me are invaluable and I’ve applied them in so many situations since and have had a very different outcome to […]

- Jen

As a person who had previously attended therapy and never wanted to return, when I started with Christine my whole view on therapy changed. Christine’s positivity and incredible insight really showed me how to challenge my negative thoughts and build a self-care plan that suits me. I am so lucky to have worked with Christine […]

- Tara

As a mid 50’s male I knew that, despite outwards appearances of being successful in life, I had taken the eye off the ball on my own health and wellbeing. Christine’s My Kind of Life four sessions spread over eight weeks has been truly life changing for me. Christine is very good at getting under […]

- Peter M

I can honestly say Christine has helped me both on a personal level and professionally.  She taught me about setting boundaries professionally which gave me great relief when I put those into practice. Time is always on my side now and I feel fabulous and so grateful for taking the time out to go on […]

- MB

Working with Christine over the past year has been truly life changing for me. I first came to Christine at a very vulnerable time in my life when I felt lost and without purpose. From our very first session Christine cultivated a safe, non-judgemental, and honest environment where I felt truly heard. Her realistic approach […]

- Roisin

Working with Christine over our four 1-2-1 sessions has truly been transformative to my well-being and rediscovering my authentic self.  After each session, Christine sends you a personalised summary of your session with a plan and goals for you to work on for the next session. Working with Christine empowered me to recognise my self-doubts, […]

- Danielle

Working with Christine has taught me so much. This work has helped me live intentionally, to forgive and accept myself for who I am. She has helped me live a life with gentleness, kindness and true to my core values

- Jess

Christine’s approach was soft & gentle yet extremely supportive & encouraging. She helped me realise that my lack of clarity on what I truly wanted was causing me to become distracted by what was going on around me & by what others were doing. Before working with Christine I was placing responsibility in/on others within […]

- Kate

My sessions with Christine have allowed me to focus on what is most important, and my time and life management have become so much better….. These sessions have massively lightened the load. I was one that really would not have believed in these kinds of methods. I would’ve dismissed it as a kind of whimsical […]

- Dylan

1-2-1 Work with Christine

I offer both counselling psychotherapy and wellbeing life coaching to adults. My therapeutic style is compassion focused, goal oriented and positively challenging.


Purchase Our Journals

Self-Reflect is a journal I designed for you. Each page has a date prompt for you to fill - inviting you to journal only on the days that are right for you. Throughout the journal you will find pops of positivity that I hope you love and at the start of the journal there is a space for your personal self-care affirmation. Enjoy x



But I feel a bit like that too, does that mean I am Autistic?

Being Autistic is being human. Every human will understand and experience Autistic traits. What sets Autistic people apart is their intensity and sensitivity of...
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Is it worth exploring Autism at this stage in my life?

Since I started speaking of my late discovery of Autism and ADHD I am so grateful to have heard from so many who have...
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This is (also) Autism

Finding out I am Autistic so late in life has been incredible for me.   I have experienced a flood of emotions and thoughts...
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Wild Women

“It has gone above and beyond my expectations. I had been craving connection of an autistic community for late diagnosed adults as there’s not much out there. It has been a huge comfort to me find a place like this and to be able to comfortably share amongst other people who truly understand autism”

“Christine is an amazing facilitator! Not just because of her professional background and expertise but also because of her own life experience as an autistic woman. It is lovely to be in a neuro affirming group and Christine’s openness sharing her own experiences within the group helps us all to relate. She is so genuine, kind and compassionate and you will learn a lot from these groups”

“I enjoyed it and felt safe and deeply welcomed. The facilitation was well-paced and the space was held with care and confidence”

September bookings now open 

And I am thrilled to also offer a Wild Women in the evening GMT/BST for those who are in a later time zone

Follow link in bio for all the details
My birthday was everything ✨💕

An early morning sea swim with the sun 
Coffee with a friend
A run with my husband
Laundry on my own
Movie with my daughter
Kindle and a lil’ snooze
And a one course in and out not too long no we don’t need dessert we just want to go home now dinner with my family


A million miles from what I thought birthdays should look like
But a birthday that is everything to me 

Routine, order, predictability, peace, nature, exercise, rest, love are the things that I know support my Autistic thriving everyday. 

Including my birthday.
WILD WOMEN - Back this September

Are you a late-identified, self-identified, or exploring identification as Autistic, ADHD or AuDHD? 

Building community, and meeting other Autistic people is a key part of Autistic thriving and wellbeing. 

Wild Women is a series of 4 Neuro-Affirming talks and chats over 2 months covering the areas of Neurodiversity, Masking & Burnout, Relationships, and Autistic Thriving.

Join me, Christine Doyle, Psychotherapist & Coach and late-diagnosed Autistic woman, in this space.

Each talk will have an anchor topic, backed by current neuro-affirming research, thus providing a space to explore these topics in terms of your own experience.

We truly do learn best from each other, and learning from and prizing the Autistic mind and experience is central to the ethos of Wild Women.

Dates: Monday 9 September / Monday 23 September / Monday 7 October / Monday 21 October

Time: 10am – 11:30am BST
I am aware that BST doesn’t suit all - DM me for information about Wild Women for your timezone 

Location: Zoom

Cost: €80 per person for the 4 sessions over 8 weeks

Link in Bio

I love who my soul loves .. it is my guiding light 

Friendship is an absence of wondering, explaining, questioning, hurt
And an abundance of trust, laughter, kindness, love 

This moment was captured yesterday after an ideal morning of yoga and sea swimming with my dear friend @loveyoga_with_adrienne and it makes my heart sing to see such unfiltered joy

Chloé is diligently keeping me company as she senses I’m not well 💕… but she doesn’t know my secret delight in being sick. 

I woke up this morning to a positive Covid test and the first thing I felt was relief. 

I may be achy, sneezy, exhausted with a throat on fire … but I get to sit, read, watch TV, not talk, rest and, as an Autistic person,  the discomfort of being temporarily unwell is well worth the reward of no demands and an invitation to rest. 

I value my health so much and work hard to maintain a lifestyle that keeps my body and mind well .. I feel very fortunate to not struggle with my physical health .. but today, this rest, is a welcome reprieve. 

Do you ever feel relief when you are really sick?